If you decide to make an Adoption Plan.
If you are pregnant but are not ready to parent, for whatever reason, we are available to explain the Option of Adoption.
The decision to make an adoption plan for your child is a personal decision and one that only you can make.
We understand you need to do what is best for you and the baby. Call anytime and we will answer your questions about adoption or to talk about your options.
We are here to help You!
You can choose the family who will adopt, love and raise your child.
You can decide to meet the adoptive family in person
You can decide whether or not to build a relationship with the family you choose
You can choose to receive information regarding your child’s life as they grow
How we may help Birthmothers
Cell Phone Minutes
Cell Phone Minutes
Transportation to Medical Care
Transportation to Medical Care
Maternity Clothing
Maternity clothing
Prenatal Vitamins
Prenatal Vitamins
Living Expenses
Living Expenses
Referrals to Community Resources for medical, legal, counseling and drug & alcohol rehab.
Referrals to Community Resources for medical, legal, counseling and drug & alcohol rehab.
Adoption vs. Abortion
Visit an informational article from Focus on the Family to learn more about how your choice will impact lives.
Learn More...
Cradle Care
We also provide Cradle Care for birth mothers who need time after birth to fully consider the decision. The child is lovingly cared for by a licensed and trusted family who works exclusively with Adoption Solutions.
If you have an active CPS case
We may be able to advocate for your desire to make a private adoption plan for your unborn or newborn child. Call us.